Preserving cuisines: Quick thoughts at the intersection of gender, race and Diaspora

Afro-descendant women have been key in the keeping and sustaining of food traditions in societies with a history of colonialism and slavery. Examples I have encountered in my work are Francisca Falú, the woman who taught iconic Puerto Rican cookbook, Carmen Aboy Valldejuli, how to cook, and Margot Bacallao, the assistant to Nitza Villapol, the … Continue reading Preserving cuisines: Quick thoughts at the intersection of gender, race and Diaspora

San Guivin

San Guivin is “Puerto Rico’s favorite saint”, or so the joke goes. We celebrate this “saint” by gathering around with family, eating pavochón with a side of arroz con gandules, morcilla, pasteles, potato salad and anything else that makes it to the table. Before eating, people give thanks for the good things that have happened … Continue reading San Guivin